Ultimate Marvel Cinematic Universe Wikia
Vital statistics
Position Supporting Member of the Avengers
Age Unknown
Status Alive
Physical attributes
Height 6'6"
Weight 345 lbs

John Jameson III is an astronaut, the son of J. Jonah Jameson, and has also been transformed into a werewolf -like creature called the Man-Wolf.

Powers and Abilities[]

As Man-Wolf, Jameson displayed the following abilities:

  • Superhuman strength, agility, speed, and stamina
    • Moonlight-dependent Strength: Though his level of strength varied according to the amount of moonlight that filtered through Earth's atmosphere, at prime conditions during the three nights of the full moon, Man-Wolf could lift (press) about 4 tons.
    • Superhuman Durability: Body's musculature was so durable that he was able to survive great falls and concussive blows with minimal injury
  • Healing Factor: Able to fully recover from gunshot wounds within a month
  • Heightened senses of a true wolf.
    • Infrared Vision: Eyes were able to see partially into the infrared range, enabling him to see in the dark
    • Heightened Sense of Smell: Olfactory sensors enabled him to track the spoor of his quarry across any terrain.
  • Teeth and claws were hard and sharp enough to rend a variety of substances, such as wood, soft metals, and even cinderblock