Ultimate Marvel Cinematic Universe Wikia

Laura (X-23-23) was one of the several Mutant children artificially created by Transigen as part of their X-23 project. Laura’s mother was a woman impregnated in a Transigen lab, using the genetic material of Wolverine salvaged from the Weapon X project, thus making Laura the biological daughter of Wolverine. Much like her father, she developed an advanced healing factor and bone claws, with two in each hand and one in each foot. These claws were laced with adamantium when she was still very young, and she was extensively trained in combat to be used as a weapon. When the X-23 project was deemed a failure and the children were slated for termination, the nurses helped the X-23 children escape. With the help of her father, Laura made her way to a remote location on the border between the United States and Canada, and escaped across the border with the other X-23 children, although Logan died after fighting the clone X-24.
