Ultimate Marvel Cinematic Universe Wikia
X-Men logo II


After the revelation of the High Evolutionary and his countless number of Artificial Inhumans (Which have been given the classification Homo-Superior), he intended to enact global evolution and turn every single human on the planet into one of his Artificial Inhumans. However his plans were foiled by the Avengers, but they could not have done it without the aid of a number of the High Evolutionary's subjects which did not share his ideals for forced evolution, or the means to which he went to achieve them.

After the Evolutionary War, these Artificial Inhumans were inducted into the Avengers, but after a series of disputes, some of the Artificial Inhumans resigned from the Avengers and went out on their own. Under the leadership of Charles Xavier, these Artificial Inhumans built a learning center where the growing species could learn to control their powers, These Artificial Inhumans then began a mission to instill their species as equal among humans and bring down those who would bring war between the two factions. This group would brand themselves X-Men because of their founders last name.



